Emirates Global Aluminium
The world faces an ever-increasing threat of climate change, and every individual and organization must take responsibility to reduce its environmental impact.
One of the leading producers of aluminum globally, Emirati Global Aluminum (EGA), has taken significant steps towards sustainability by launching a campaign that promotes industrial waste recycling. EGA understands the importance of environmental protection.
To encourage its employees to join its mission, it partnered with Punch to design an educational handbook to inspire employees to think and act green.
The Emirati Global Aluminum company is one of the world's leading aluminum producers and is committed to environmental protection. The challenge was to educate the company's employees about the importance of industrial waste recycling and encourage them to think and act green.
To help EGA achieve its goal, Punch worked closely with the client's communication team to design an educational handbook that would inspire employees to recycle and reduce waste. The handbook provided comprehensive information on industrial waste recycling and explained how employees could play a crucial role in this initiative. The design of the handbook was based on the client's brand guidelines, incorporating images, infographics, and engaging content that would make the information easy to understand and accessible.
The educational handbook created by Punch was a great success, and it significantly contributed to EGA's efforts to promote industrial waste recycling among its employees. The guide was distributed to all employees, leading to a significant increase in recycling and waste reduction. The employees were inspired by the handbook and motivated to think and act green. This campaign demonstrated EGA's commitment to environmental protection and highlighted the importance of collective efforts toward sustainability.
High-quality services
Kudos to the Punch Design team for the outstanding work done. The feedback we are getting is amazing. Your continuous, high-quality services are always appreciated — many thanks to the entire team.
Associate - Brand and Visual Communications